No, anthroposophy is not a religion, nor is it meant to be a substitute for religion. While its insights may support, illuminate or complement religious practice, it provides no belief system. The Anthroposophical Society is open to persons of any faith but also those who do not adhere to a particular faith.

What is of interest in anthroposophy is the living spiritual insights of its members and the activities that flow freely from those insights. Members are not prescribed a specific form of spiritual practice but many [freely] practice meditation (contemplative thinking, visualization or imagery), artistic expression and study.

Anthroposophy has no profession of faith -- no oaths or vows are required for membership. Anthroposophy has no sacred texts; members of the Anthroposophical Society are free to work with any texts they consider to be spiritually significant. While it is not a requirement, many members read the works of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the Anthroposophical Society, in order to study how he arrived at his spiritual insights. 


1. Anthroposophy has no dogma or creed - the Statutes of the Anthroposophical Society specifically forbid dogma.

2. The Anthroposophical Society does not offer or prescribe any religious practices or sacraments.

3. Anthroposophy does not claim to lead to salvation. Anthroposophy is concerned with understanding relationship of the human being to the spiritual world.

4. There is no one spiritual guide, teacher or master within the Anthroposophical Society whose statements are beyond questioning.

5. Anthroposophy is not a system of beliefs. Anthroposophy is a path to knowledge based on a spiritual understanding of humanity and our relationship to the spiritual world.

6. The Anthroposophical Society is not organized as a church. It is a free association of individuals and independent study groups some of whom have sought to be formally recognized by the Anthroposophical Society. This formal recognition is not a requirement for a study group to be publicized by the Society. 

7. There are no priests, pastors, ministers or other religious functionaries. Anthroposophy supports religion without interfering with religious practice. Many members of the Society engage in the practice of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Shinto, Buddhism and other faiths. Others are not connected to a particular religious faith.

Anthroposophy honors each member's own faith and the moral injunctions of that faith.

Jean Yeager, 
Administrative Director of the Anthroposophical Society in America

For the view of Rudolf Steiner on this question, see here.

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